"Marsoner's view of Bach's Goldberg Variations is spectacular: because of their clarity, definition and poetic energy."
Tyrolean daily newspaper
Press reviews
Fanfare Magazine
"Her playing is equally astonishing in the E♭-Major Klavierstück, D. 946, with its perfectly chosen tempo and lovely sense of fluidity. In the gentle opening, she perfectly captures the lovely ebb and flow of this barcarolle in everything but name, allowing the stormy section that follows to disrupt the calm of the opening. Her playing in the last of these works, that in C Major, is equally successful in capturing the folksy character with its offbeat accents at the opening, hypnotic repetition of the rhythmic figure in the middle section, and sense of ebullient joy at its conclusion. The C-Minor Allegretto makes for the perfect encore. Marsoner brings a lovely sense of phrasing and solemnity to this disquieting little work (...) And Marsoner relishes every ominous aspect to this little work perfectly.
Scott Noriega - Juli/August 2024
"The Austrian pianist Ingrid Marsoner encounters this depth in Franz Schubert's piano works with incredible intensity, and despite all the depth, Marsoner manages to make the notes vibrate delicately and lightly. Nothing seems to be left to chance in her interpretation." more
February 07, 2024
Radio Klassik Stephansdom - CD of the week
"Often neglected by many pianists, Ingrid Marsoner takes Schubert's very own rhythms very seriously. This makes the Three Piano Pieces in particular free of sentimental touches (...) Conclusion: With this recording, Ingrid Marsoner succeeds in making a valuable addition to the Schubert discography." more
Ursula Magnes - February 03, 2024
"Outstanding Schubert with Ingrid Marsoner: Ingrid Marsoner plays Schubert's Impromptus with blooming lyricism, fluently and clearly, pleasantly contrasting delicacy and more brilliant passages. The depth of feeling in these pieces, from poetry and longing to sadness and pain, is expressed in a performance of great beauty (...)." more
Remy Franck - December 30, 2023
"In Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 1, soloist Ingrid Marsoner captivated the audience (...)." more
Manfred Mikysek - May 3, 2023
"The performances by Daniel Gutmann and Ingrid Marsoner, who elicited fine tones from her instrument, were particularly impressive. (...) Three encores and standing ovations for musical delicacies."
Leopold Kogler - November 4, 2022
"She forms vocal lines with agility. Her touch is pithy and velvety at the same time (...) Her pearly touch, her pithy but always organically placed accents, cantabile, balance and transparency of the individual voices - all this makes the intermissionless 70 minutes a fascinating sound excursion. The audience applauded and gave them standing ovations." (Goldberg Variations - Hohenloher Kultursommer)
Leonore Welzin - July 3, 2019
"When it comes to Beethoven piano sonatas, we have Schnabel, Buchbinder and Barenboim, Gulda, Brendel (...) Nevertheless, we cannot help but place the three sonatas op. 78, 101 & 111 on the same level in the interpretation by Ingrid Marsoner." more
Alain Steffen - July 17, 2017
"It may be in the craggy, windswept heights of Op 111 that Marsoner is most impressive. Mercurially shifting moods in the Maestoso, from terrifying insistence, panicked uncertainty, to roiling struggle follow one another with an inevitable emotional logic (...)Here (performing the Arietta) Marsoner's ability to suggest the mighty integrity of Beethoven's architecture from multiple points of view within the musical narrative is particularly impressive." more
Patrick Rucker - August 2017
"Exceptionally slim, transparent and musically subtle in every detail."
Ingo Harden - October 2017
"Fluid and yet nuanced, serious and devoted, sensitive and inspired, rhapsodically tense and convincing, Ingrid Marsoner succeeds in the Sonata op. 78, eliciting many a structural secret from this "beautiful F sharp major sphinx" (Joachim Kaiser again)."
Rainer E. Janka - July 2017
"It scores with a dynamically finely graduated touch, great transparency and, above all, a filigree dynamic."
Christian Rupp - No. 15 / 2017
"(Ingrid Marsoner) masterfully shaped the fugue with its many harmonic finesses (...) This emotional world was expressed in the soulful playing with a wonderful touch ... The artist knew how to interpret all these contrasting emotions with empathy and profound technique."
Ingrid Heydecke-Seidel - June 21, 2017
"From Austria now comes a pianist who, to me at least, has genuinely surprised and thrilled me: There is the same emotional depth in her playing as one finds in the aforementioned greats of the past (...) Marsoner offers a convincing interpretative approach for the 21st century, without unnecessarily and misguidedly caricaturing Beethoven's music."
Rainer Aschemeier - May 26, 2017
"Ingrid Marsoner took the Sonata in B flat major with brilliant ease and charisma, without any virtuoso rebellion."
Ursula Strohal - August 17, 2017
"Ingrid Marsoner from Graz is currently one of the most versatile pianists in the world (...) A master of nuances."
Monika Jaros - November 21, 2016
"Deep musical insight and an extraordinary understanding of Mozart speak from the pianist's spirited art (...) Conclusion: A Mozart that will resonate for a long, long time."
Christof Jetzschke - October 28, 2016
"There are thousands of Mozart piano recordings, but a CD like that of the Austrian Ingrid Marsoner is always a pleasure. Born in Graz, she not only plays with wonderful finesse and sensitivity, she has also put together a distinctive program."
Arnt Cobbers - April 9, 2015
"With a finely nuanced touch (...) with colorful and delightful inspiration (...) and with Mozart-specific grace (...) She is close to her compatriot without complications."
Jörg Loskil - August 2015
"A rarely good Mozart recording."
February 4, 2015
"Subtle, clever and with a touching differentiation between the oppressive work KV 457 including the Fantasy and the light Sonata 331."
Ursula Strohal - February 15, 2015
"Ingenious interplay between two exceptional artists (...) When she then let Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 32 whirl through the church, not only (Klaus Maria) Brandauer was transformed into a spellbound listener."
Uschi Loigge - July 15, 2013
"And the pianist Ingrid Marsoner, who turns the music into real little gems with her captivating interpretations, was also infected by this. Marsoner is simply brilliant in terms of playing technique."
May 2013
"A truly impressive performer. The playfulness, the spontaneity, that is their element and is based on a brilliant playing culture with a crystal-clear sound. loose touch."
Miriam Buse - April 27, 2013
"Crystal-clear articulation, extremely brilliant and present, striking as well as devoted and pensive playing. It sparkles and shines without ceasing."
Christof Jetzschke - February 27, 2013
"The beauty of the tone, the subtlety of the phrasing and the accuracy of the diction are always convincing."
February 27, 2013
"The manner and sovereignty of her playing (of the Goldberg Variations) was astonishing and made such an impression that after the last note had faded away, there was a long pause which nobody dared to interrupt."
August 14, 2012
"With a substantial "jeu perlé", transparent texture, clearly arranged articulation, sophisticated transitions, vital nobility of expression and infectious joy of playing"
Walter Schönenberger - June 28, 2012
"Really soulful, crisp, fresh and breathing interpretation of Beethoven's C major concerto, which reminds me of Glenn Gould's legendary reference from 1958 in its dialog culture, its tension progressions and its tight tempi."
Attila Csampai - May 2012
"Even classics that have been heard many times before can surprise - provided they are played as wonderfully as by the Austrian pianist Ingrid Marsoner."
Anja Renczikowski - May/June 2012
"Rich in emotional content, particularly impressive with an extreme feel for the most varied mood changes as well as for subtle transitions (...) with such a multi-faceted touch always seems natural, immensely expressive, but can also lead to explosive moments full of energy."
Meinhard Rüdenauer - May 2012
"The importance Marsoner attaches to eloquence is even shown by the numerous chains of trills and much of the virtuoso writing in both concertos. Even here, the artist seems to be concerned with the greatest possible and most nuanced expression - chapeau!"
Christof Jetzschke - April 3, 2012
"The new album by Viennese pianist Ingrid Marsoner, on the other hand, offers a completely balanced, very pleasant sound balance (... and Thomas Rösner spiritedly revive the forgotten second concerto by Mozart's pupil Johann Nepomuk Hummel."
Attila Csampai - April 2012
"For all her desire for exuberant virtuosity, Ingrid Marsoner also trusts her feel for the lyrical facets of this music, which she brings to light with great mastery."
Peter Blaha - March 2012
"Here as there, the pianist's radiantly beautiful touch is convincing. Marsoner cultivates a musical language with substance that leaves room for every possible lyric."
Daniel Wagner - March 22, 2012
"Of course, this is also due to the truly soulful and crisp, fresh interpretation of the Austrian duo, which reminds me of Glenn Gould's legendary 1958 reference, especially in its breathing dialog culture and its lively drive."
Attila Csampai - March 2012
"As impressive as her technical skills are, what is most fascinating is Ingrid Marsoner's design of the transitions (...) These subtle changes of mood reveal the true master."
Maila von Haussen - March 1, 2012
"There is hardly a note in it that does not ring out as clearly as the day (...) Her flowing, gentle execution of the figurations in the thirteenth variation (the Goldberg Variations) creates one of the most beautiful interpretations of the piece that I have come across."
Scott Noriega - March/April 2011
"Only someone who has a truly intimate relationship with Bach can play the Goldberg Variations as straightforward, as 'unspectacular' and as wonderfully simple as Ingrid Marsoner. It's no secret that this is where the great art lies."
Peter Blaha - June 2010
"The Austrian pianist Ingrid Marsoner simply amazes! Because her playing, not only precise and "dry", creates a luminosity and emotionality with such means of sound and with immense clarity, which is able to place itself in a parallel universe alongside Gould. Gorgeous, beautiful."
Jochen Schmoldt - August 8, 2010
"She has retained a soulful love of Bach and her recording of the Goldberg Variations is extremely successful. Her deep relationship to this music is reflected in her straightforward playing. With great transparency, she guides the listener through the 30 variations (...) Praise for the intuitive and natural approach."
Anja Renczikowski - September 2010
"This must have gotten into the petite young lady, so brilliant, powerful and rhythmically accentuated are the chordal themes and the octave thunderstorm (in Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy (...) Schubert's Impromptu in G-flat major is exemplary in terms of tonal finesse and differentiation between the melody and the accompaniment that gently carries it."
Rainer Ellinger - August 3, 2010
"Marsoner's view of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations is spectacular: because of their clarity, definition and poetic energy."
Ursula Strohal - August 12, 2010
"Ingrid Marsoner's delicate touch was enchanting (...) She conveyed Haydn's C major Fantasy ... capriciously and with esprit. Beautiful echo effects were achieved. Tonal shadings were elegantly emphasized. The beautifully sustained Presto tempo allowed moments of pause to have a strong effect. Wolfgang A. Mozart's C minor Fantasy was played with particular finesse and delicacy by the pianist."
Rainer Snurawa - August 3, 2010